I Wish I Had Known These 7 Things Before I Went To Medical School

medical degree malaysia

Even if you’ve spent a lot of time getting ready to become a medical student and taking a medical degree Malaysia, there are likely to be some things you didn’t expect when you start your official training. A Doctor of Medicine (MD) program is unlike any other kind of college education.

1. Time Management Requires Careful Planning.

Many medical students in college just study the sections they need to pass their exams, or they skim through their weekly readings altogether. This sort of shortcutting won’t fly in the medical school environment. In order to succeed as a medical student, it is crucial to develop efficient study habits and learn to set priorities.

2. In Order To Learn About Anatomy, You Must Do More Than Just Study Photos.

Dissecting a “subject” whose body has been donated to medical students as part of their first year of study is a common first-year requirement at more traditional universities like Cambridge. This requires you to get your hands dirty with a scalpel and perform what is, at times, an unpleasant task. It’s understandable that some students would be psyched about the opportunity to dive headfirst into a hands-on anatomy course, but those who aren’t should not freak out. 

You will still be required to learn the structures of and examine dissected specimens, but you won’t have to get your hands dirty as you would at most other universities because they only use prepared dissections.

3. Seeking Assistance Is Not A Reflection Of A Lack Of Strength.

Becoming a doctor requires one to undertake one of the most demanding academic journeys possible. For the first time in their educational careers, many students experience academic difficulty. The worst thing you can do if something like that happens to you is to withdraw from society.

Being comfortable with seeking assistance is another skill that will serve you well as a resident. If you practice this skill, you’ll find it much less of a struggle to get input from others when making healthcare decisions.

4. Medicine Studies Takes A Long Time.

It’s a well-known cliche that medical school is more of a marathon than a sprint. It’s a 5 or 6-year commitment, and by the end, you’ll be studying almost nonstop. The length of the course is justified by the breadth and depth of knowledge required, from fundamental scientific concepts to practical application techniques.

5. Personal Time Has To Come First.

Even after you finish medical school, it’s still important to make time for things you enjoy. Keeping a balance between work and life is important if you want to avoid burnout in the long run. Getting into these habits while you’re in medical school can help you do well for the rest of your medical career.

6. When You Study Medicine, You Can Keep Up With The Latest Medical Research.

If you’re passionate about the life sciences but haven’t found your niche yet, medical school is a fantastic way to get up and personal with cutting-edge research that you won’t find in textbooks. Your professors are experts in their fields, and as such, it is part of their responsibility to keep abreast of the most recent developments and research in their respective fields.

7. Not Everything Is A Struggle In Studying Medicine.

Don’t worry; even though medical school can be difficult, you’ll still have plenty of time to take advantage of your undergraduate years, which many individuals describe as the finest of their lives. Due to the manageable workload, you’ll have plenty of time to participate in extracurriculars like sports, music, and the numerous student organizations available at your university. 

Keeping up with your other commitments is easy if you just make better use of your time; for example, if you have a music practice that evening, don’t waste the afternoon viewing videos on YouTube. Learning about yourself and others, and hopefully developing into the kind of person who could one day make a successful doctor, are just a few of the many things you’ll do at university.